Friday 18 January 2013

Winter Walks

As Walking for Health Walk Leaders we have to turn up for scheduled walks whatever the weather. Christmas Eve saw us walking in the rain, and on New Years Eve sixteen turned up to walk despite the torrential downpour. I would have been quite happy just to sit and have a cup of coffee, but with so many enthusiastic walkers this wasn't an option. We got drenched, literally soaked through, but felt very pleased with ourselves when, arriving back at the cafe there were four other regular (and some would say lightweight) walkers waiting to greet us. It just goes to show how people value these walks and the opportunity for a chat, and we are pleased to oblige. Wednesday was cold - bitterly cold in Yorkley. However, twenty two walkers came prepared, walked at their own pace and met up again in the village hall (Yorkley Institute) for coffee at the end of the walk.
Ready for the off!
Why do they do it? Here's what they say:

‘My walks are an enjoyable part of my weight loss programme, and I am walking further each week’.
‘I’ve never been much of a walker, but I can go at my own pace and everyone’s so friendly, I’m really enjoying it’.
‘My health walk gives me people to walk with, as I didn't feel comfortable walking alone’.
‘I look forward to meeting up with everyone and to feeling so good after the walk’.

Dressed for the occasion
Here's a link to our details: Health Walks in the Forest of Dean . Give us a call if you're interested in coming along. We'd love to see you.

The best dressed of the day
Snowy pictures next time!

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